Tuesday, September 30, 2008


In reading through the book of Leviticus, I have found some parts to be dramatically boring. Why did Moses need to write this book? More specifically, why did Yahweh (that is God's real name) feel the need to have Moses write down all of these regulations?

At first glance one might be able to pull out a list from a God who obviously is very demanding. However, when we analyze the true nature of this work, the circumstances of the people and the wording that is so completely repetitive - we find something different. To this point in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), there has been a somewhat innate sense of moral right and wrong. The Hebrews knew that they were not being treated correctly by the Egyptians, but they had not yet developed a microscope or biology classes.

When we read through Leviticus, the Hebrews have been led out of Egypt into a desert with no idea about how to prevent sickness or disease from happening and spreading. They also were not one hundred percent sure of why they were even in the desert, except that they were saved from Egypt.

So, we begin to look at this ridiculous book of rules and regulations with a slightly different understanding of why it was written. All of a sudden, these rules about cleaning oneself and what one is allowed to eat aligns with more of a paternal safeguard over an ignorant child. They are not allowed to eat certain things because of the germs, bacteria or disease in them. They need to clean themselves after certain circumstances so they do not spread germs to others. But why are they in the desert having to learn these things?

"I am the Lord."

You would think that if Yahweh said that once, they would just shut up and listen to the rest of what He had to say, but He repeats Himself over and over. Why? It almost seems as though the Hebrews keep questioning why they have to follow these rules and very gently Yahweh responds with, "Because I am your Dad and I want to keep you safe."

So many times in our own lives we can classify Yahweh as this mean God who wants to put His foot down and proclaim His deity and power. However, if we can manage to take a closer look at everything that He actually does for us, He is more of our ultimate protector. We may not like some of the things that happen to us, but maybe we acquire a cut to avoid a broken bone (metaphorically).

Sometimes we need to stop looking for the good in things and start looking for the God in things.

Peace and Rest,

Monday, September 29, 2008

This first Sunday of October Pirates will just be a simple introduction to treasure. Matthew 6:21 says, "Wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be also." As we Jump Start your kids into a pattern of continually building momentum towards Christ, one of the main ideas behind Christ-Following is knowing Jesus as our Treasure.

How do we identify Jesus as our Treasure?

How do we position Jesus as our Treasure?

We glorify Him. "Glorify" is a unique church word that does not mean a whole lot to people when we talk about "glorifying Christ." I find it most interesting that in the verse above, the Greek word used for "Heart" is "Kardia," which means "Attention." Remember, if you will, someone you dated that you could not stop thinking about. (fill in the blank with his or her name) When talking to friends your conversation may have looked something like this:
"________ is so great. I cannot wait be with ________ again! Did I tell you what ________ did for me the other night? _________ hung out with my parents, made me dinner and held my hand the entire evening. You should really try to hang out with ______ and me sometime soon."


That is what glorifying someone is. That is also how we can glorify Jesus in our lives. The more we talk about Him and the things that we have seen Him doing in our lives, the more glory He gets. He also begins to move more and more into the center of our thought process, becoming more of the treasure we desire.

The kids will probably be able to relate more to a toy that they really want so after Sunday try to talk to them to see if they understand what "glorifying" means. This will be good for them and your family as well.

October 26 all of the kids will be dressed up in their Halloween outfits. I am also making a not-so-scary scary movie for them. It will be really funny and the kids will love it! Here is the trailer if it loads properly.

Grace and Peace,

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our series on finding real treasure begins this Sunday. Your kids will not want to miss it!