Friday, October 31, 2008

Pictures from Sunday

Sunday was awesome. Almost all of the kids brought their tithe, which was cool that they remembered. We are going to do that every week.

This Sunday we will be watching the Veggie tales pirate movie to conclude the pirate series. Everybody be safe tonight with your children.

Fun and Much Chocolate,

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Man can I feel Satan attacking! It is either him or God testing us. In either case, I believe if we and the church unite and take a stand with our finances, this church is in for a ridiculous outpouring of God's magnificence. Things have gotten thrown our way that do not seem to add up, but they are going to cost us a good chunk of change. For a moment the question popped into mind, "can we even give our tithe?" You know what though? We are going to remember that our tithe is at the top of our budget and not at the bottom. Out of faith we will give whatever we can to shut down this challenge!

I expect that others from our church will experience the same testing of faith and I expect us to stand up in the face of trials and fire back. Together we will grow stronger in the name of the Lord Yahweh - in the name of the Lord Jesus. "Rejoice my brethren when you encounter various trials and know that the testing of your faith produces endurance." I think it would be okay to substitute the word "Momentum" for "endurance."

Therefore, you followers of Christ - may you be tested and found producing Momentum.

Peace and Divine Understanding,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Half Way

Well, we are half way through the week and your little pirates should be serving your drinks to you every night. We are having the kids do this to teach them about following Christ. As Christ-Followers we have to follow Him in a way that glorifies God. Since Jesus is not a person that we can visibly see we have to follow Him by following His words. He commanded us to serve, so one of the easiest ways we can start learning to serve is by serving our family.

This coming Sunday, the kids will be learning about tithing and giving to others. With that said, if you can give your kids a dollar or two or even some change we will start tithing in kids church this coming Sunday. It will be an every week thing. Exodus 23:15 tells us we should never show up before the Lord empty handed. We want to be able to teach this into your kids' lives as one of the fundamentals of being a Christ-Follower.

Grace and Peace,

Friday, October 10, 2008

Really A Pirate?

Wow! So, the more we look at being Pirates, the more we realize the only attribute that we can really relate to is treasure. However, we are not stealing our treasure - instead we are giving to others and God stores up our treasure in Heaven.

1 Timothy 6:18 says: "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."

We are going to break this verse down over the next couple of weeks and teach the children about doing good things for other people. Being a Christ-Follower is motion. You cannot be a Christ-Follower and be stagnant because that would defeat the very meaning of the name. One cannot "Follow" if they do nothing. This series is really going to focus on following Christ into the realm of the community and the people who are in need of help.

James 1:27 says: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

We need to help people because this is what we were called to do. These acts lead to verse 19 of 1 timothy 6: "In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

Grace and Peace,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

3 things

I find it interesting to know what makes people who they are. If you could sum up the three most important events that shaped who you are - why you are the way you are, what would they be? I am not looking for church answers. Send me an e-mail or post a comment on the blog.

My three would be: being picked on in middle school, my parents raising me to be competitive, God telling me He trusts me.