Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Your Day

I am interested. I am interested to see what a typical day looks like for you. If you wouldn't mind, send me an e-mail outlining your typical day. Whatever your job is - let me know. If you want to remain anonymous, I believe there is a way to leave a comment without your name. Otherwise, shoot me an e-mail at . It should not take more than two minutes. Thanks.

Time and Understanding,


Stephanie said...

Wake up between 5:15 and 6am (depending on what all needs to be done). Leave the house by 7am, class #1 from 8-915am, class #2 from 9:30-10:45am, class #3 from 11-12:15pm. Clock into work at 12:30pm. Work from 12:30-7pm. Out of the office and home by 7:45pm. 7:45-11:45pm dinner, laundry, try to get to the gym (depending on what needs to be done), work for church, school work. By 11:45pm hope everything's done so I can shower and be in bed by 12:05.

Hope that was helpful!

Samson said...

My typical day, up at 5:15 am get myself dressed and ready then get Samson and Simon ready for school. Samson gets on the bus at 6:20 am, then I take Simon to my mom's and head to work. I start work as A Regulations Coordinator around 7:00 am. I work with a lot of spread sheets, files and data as well as helping out the school cafe' managers with any problems they may be having with student meal eligibility. I also deal with a lot of student parents, some very nice, some not so nice, makes for a great day of relying on the Holy Spirit to stay at Peace. A great place to practice self-control too! :) I leave work around 4:00 pm and head to my mom's to pick up Samson and Simon, shower them with hugs and kisses then head home. At home we share hugs and kisses with Dan, then we work on homework with the boys and start dinner. We have our "10-minute clean up" on nights where there are no other activities. "10-minute clean-up" is where we all work together for 10 minutes in each room of the house (we have a fairly small house)cleaning and straightening it up. Then we give the boys 1 hour to have computer or tv time and Dan and I share and catch up on our day. We may go for a family walk or the boys have "tub-time." At about 9 pm we all settle in and read. I read to the boys some Proverbs for about 15 minutes and then they read a book they choose. Then I either do my own Bible reading and quiet time or Dan and I study The Word together. Then I crash, most days with a smile on my face. :)

Samson said...

Opps, I don't know how to change the name...the "Samson" post is Heidi..sorry 'bout that.